Entries by Alteo

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Happy Lunar Year 2023!

Happy Lunar Year 2023! All our teams wish you the best for this Lunar New Year. We are very honoured to count you among our partners and we would like to thank you for your trust and commitment.   2023新年快樂! 我司全體團隊在此獻上最誠摯的祝福,祝賀您在新的一年裡萬事如意、生意蓬勃發展 能有您做為我們的合作伙伴,我司深感榮幸,並感謝您一路上的支持及信任   2023新年快乐! 我司全体团队在此献上最诚挚的祝福,祝贺您在新的一年里万事如意、生意蓬勃发展 能有您作为我们的合作伙伴,我司深感荣幸,并感谢您一路上的支持及信任

Cost pass through

Since fall 2021, the European alumina industry has been facing significant and continuous increases in its production costs. Natural gas and electricity triplicating prices led to a first cost pass-through. The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and the sanctions imposed to Russia has pushed further the energy prices amid a tightening of gas […]

2020/2021 Activity report

Summarizing our achievements in a very turbulent context since the start of 2020, this activity report highlights our ability to meet extraordinary challenges in all areas: economic, social and environmental. The acquisition of Alteo by the UMSI Group in 2021 involves a deep transformation of the company, with the ambition to develop a new production […]

Alteo announces price increase

Since the beginning of 2021, alumina production has suffered from significant and continuous cost increases- in particular energy, carbon credit and freight, among others. Packaging and additional minor supplies have likewise been increasing continuously since January. This sudden cost increase has hit the alumina industry after almost two years of relatively stable or even decreasing […]

April Newsletter – New energy for our development

After an unprecedented 2020 from both a health and economic point of view, we are pleased to share Alteo news. The energy injected by our new shareholder, the UMS Group, allows us to strengthen our global leadership while continuing our ecological transition. Indeed, after the major environmental progress made in the recent months in terms […]

新年快乐 – Happy lunar new year 2021

尊敬的合作伙伴,尊敬的客户,我们祝您新年快乐,期待在2021年与您并肩前行,我们会一如既往为您的发展提供最大的支持。 Dear partners, dear customers, we wish you a happy lunar new year and are happy to support you in 2021 in the development of your activities.